Ok this week I’ve copied the look of my ultimate style inspiration – the dutch singer Mariska Veres. Veres was the vocalist of a popgroup named Shocking Blue – a band who had several hits in the UK and rest of Europe in the early seventies. I have attached some You Tube links so you can check her out for yourselves – I swear to god i have never EVER seen anyone with higher wow-factor than her, male or female. Man, watching those clips I still wanna BE her!!
I was only a little kid when Mariska Veres was big, but she kinda made me want to grow up fast. I’m still willing to argue the point that she’s the most gorgeous woman who ever lived, and to me she will always be the ultimate sex symbol - even hotter than Jim Morrison!! Unfortunately she grew old, overweight and late in life she was reduced to do bad cover versions of other peoples material until last year she passed away.
But in the late sixties and early seventies there was noone who could touch her. Compared as she was to Grace Slick I’d say Shocking Blue could play Jefferson Airplane off any stage in their heyday and when Slicks voice was ok Mariska’s was divine. And of course it was her sex-kitten looks with those big painted eyes... My lifelong loveaffair with false eyelashes, nude frosty lipstick, big hair, and suede jackets with tassles are all homage to her. Just watching these old You Tube clips brings me to tears, “Send me a postcard”, “Never Marry a Rail Road man”, “Harley Davidson”, “Blossom Lady” and of course “Venus” – the song which Bananarama covered in the eighties. I loved Bananarama but I’m sorry – there’s noone who can do that song like Mariska Veres and Shocking Blue. NO ONE. Enough said.
Here I’m doing my Mariska look, tho i know - i could never ever be as gorgeous as her -t here's only one true original. R.I.P Mariska beautifiul. I'm still a little girl in awe when watching you.
Jewellry: Hoop Earrings by Eco Brocco and collar by Shiny Things
Belt by Extraordinaire
Top: by OPIUM
Booty shorts: by Vitamin C